lunedì 11 aprile 2022


"Once Upon A Time in Hollywood", Quentin Tarantino, 2021 Visiona Romantica , Inc.          

"The Big Goodbye.Chinatown and last years of Hollywood ", Sam Wasson, Flatiron Books 2021

Writing reviews in war time is not easy, at all. Before Putin's attack  I had two books to talk about "One upon a time in Hollywood", written by Quentin Tarantino and  "The Big Goodbye" written By Sam Wasson.

Beautiful books with thousands of attractive signs and fascinations: Hollywood, 1969, 1973, L.A., Cali, sun, movies, actors, actresses, hippy culture, western, Jack Nicholson, Sharon Tate, Roman Polansky, Sergio Corbucci.


I was so inspired and so happy to start writing something about those two beautiful books, but now, not anymore, I am sorry.

But, I must admit, it could be a way to fight evil. Be light, be silly whilest the gun is roaring. So I will make an effort to write even  though I know that when you make an effort to write something that should be easy  and amusing, you are going to make mistakes, several, but it's a I risk I wanna take.

Intentionally I haven't checked mistakes in this text; I am writing in my second language, people will forgive me ( I hope)  but now that I am going to write all the concepts I will go back to my mother tongue. I apologize.

I wish I only had  the courage and the strength to express all my pleasure to highlight all the connections between the two movies:

1. Polansky who directed "Chinatown"  (his last U.S. movie before he left);

2. Rafal Zawierucha who played  Polasnky in "Once Upon a Time..";

3. Polansky who played  an actor in the scene in which he cut the nose of J. J. Gittes-Nicolson in "Chinatown";

4. A sense of  "sunset"  or, in other words, an era was ending ( Towne who wrote the script and won the Oscar, loved Chandler and his most famous detective and directed in 2006 "As the dusk" based  on the novel of John Fante who lived and loved L.A., exactly like Charles Bukowski; Houston, an Hollywood patricarch, who in the movie played  the father of Faye Dunaway who slept with J-J.,Gittes-Nicholson that in real life had an affair with Angelica Houston, his real daugther) 

A beautiful , simple song " Bring a little lovin' " from Los Bravos has occupied my brain for weeks and I keep the Original Soundtrack  cd in my car ready to be listened.

It's a pity that I cannot write about those two books, I would have spoken about a certain idea of Hollywood, a certain idea of America and freedom.
Joan Baez, in the touching docu "Ennio", remembered when the Maestro gave  her the music of "Here's to you" saying  "Take it, do you thing you can write something on it?". That song became part of Sacco and Vanzetti soundtrack and one of the most popular protest song  ever, played one billion times in the demonstrations against the Vietnam war, for an entire generation:The War.

War is useful only to people who sell weapons, who have interest in all the stupid things related with nations, ambitions, greed of power and so on. That's it.

There is always someone who blows on the war fire like now and I do not want to partecipate in that.

Peace now, immediately even when the other guy in front of you is different and not "democratic" according to your standards.

Peace now.

Ok, I apologize, now it is time to write in italian.

"Scrivere recensioni in tempo di guerra, non è facile, per nulla..."

(by the way, speaking of Hippy Culture..)


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