mercoledì 6 gennaio 2021


Don Winslow, The Border, Einaudi Stile libero  euro 22,00

I wish my english were good enough to write a proper  review
but it is not. Or, in another words, could even be but I do not have time to write, correct, rewrite, edit the text so..I apologize Mr. Winslow maybe someone will tell what and unknown italian wannabe writer has written about The Border. I can allow myself only 
 few words.  The chapter named "La Bestia", most likley  "The Beast", is superior.

Superior? This spaghetti eater doesn't know how to use our language!

Maybe, maybe not.

Is superior, hundred meters higher than the rest of the book. It reminds me "papa" Hemingway in a way , "The fighter", one of the 49 tales but also  the Tom Sawyer's Mark Twain. That Mark Twain who visited Civitavecchia, round here and hated the city because of its narrow and smelly streets. But please come and visit us: Civitavecchia is not that bad and we have a lot of good surf spots here beetwen Santa Marinella and Civitavecchia, Mr. Winslow!

A part from that, That Chapter is gorgeous

Something that seems  to live of is own life. That Chapter is even better than you, dear Don.

The rest of the book is the old same Don. 

Best language in town, best caracters in town, best story, best description.

Art Keller, Los Hijos, the ghost of the Barrera 's family. The third Chapter. Strong, powerful, exciting. We learned a lot  about mexican cartels from your novels.

Only reading now John Fante "The road to Los Angeles" I am enjoiyng so much reading again! 

Bravo Don! 

 OK  now I can start writing the review in Italian.

Vorrei che il mio inglese fosse buono abbastanza per poter scrivere una recensione come si deve ma non lo è..

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